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Overview of available modules

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The GITTA teaching material on the website is continuously updated from the CVS repository and corresponds to the latest version. This means that content may change at any time if it is updated. If you need stable content, e.g. to teach classes, you are strongly advised to download the module(s) as SCORM / IMS package and import it into a learning environment such as Moodle or OLAT. Please contact the GITTA coordinator if you need an older version.

GI-Systems Module

The module offers a basic introduction to Geographic Information Systems Technology (GIST), and provides information about existing commercial products and their areas of application. The module is also intended to explain the most commonly followed software architectures of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their impact on system usage.

Basic Level (in English)

1. What is a GIS? 1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip) [all versions]
2. What do we need to work with a GIS? 1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip) [all versions]
3. Into the GIS market 0.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip) [all versions]

Intermediate Level (in English)

1. Spatial partitioning and indexing 3MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip) [all versions]
2. Structures for data compression 6MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip) [all versions]

Database Management and Systems Module

The Database System module incorporates the concepts and architectures associated with databases. First, specific terms are discussed, then the characteristics of such a database approach are compared with other systems. After an overview of database architectures, data models and the Structured Query Language (SQL) are introduced. Exercises and self-tests help to augment the theory.

Basic Level (in German and partially English):

1. Einführung in Datenbanksysteme (GE-Version) 2.3MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Introduction to database systems (EN-Version) 2.3MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Datenbanksysteme: Konzepte und Architekturen (GE-Vers.) 1.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Database systems: concepts and architectures (EN-Vers.) 1.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Das relationale Datenmodell (GE-Version) 7.2MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     The relational database model (EN-Version) Not available yet
4. Die relationale Anfragesprache SQL (GE-Version) 11.1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Structured Query Language SQL (EN-Version) Not available yet

Data Capture Module

The Data Capture module introduces students to sources of geographic data and to the broad process of digital capture and data preprocessing. It focuses on selected capture procedures in order to detail strategies and methodologies for the production of relevant geographic information. This module is structured into 4 lessons, with the following content: Overview of sources, Primary sources, Derived sources, and Metadata and quality. Each lesson comprises exercises and a self-test.

Basic Level (in English):

1. Overview of sources and methods 2MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Primary sources and methods 20MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Derived sources and methods 2.7MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Metadata and quality 3.3MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Spatial Modeling Module

This module presents the main concepts - projections, location, and topology - that drive the modeling of the Geographic Space (GS). It gives an overview of GS modeling processes, using regularly and irregularly distributed observation units (raster and object models). The properties of spatial information are then analyzed from the point of view of its measurement scale and origin (measured, derived, or interpreted). Finally, the process of digitization is presented.

Basic Level (in French):

1. Spatial perception and modeling 2.2MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Fundamental spatial concepts 2.8MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Spatial information and its properties 0.6MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Digital models 3.4MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
5. Conceptual data modeling 0.6MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Spatial Analysis Module

The main goal of the module is to contribute the technical knowledge required for informed development of GIS applications. Therefore, the key concepts and techniques of spatial analysis are presented at a basic and intermediate level. lessons include fundamentals and techniques for dealing with continuous and discrete spatial variables, spatial queries, terrain analysis, suitability analysis, accessibility analysis, and uncertainty handling. There is a close relationship with the Spatial Modeling module.

Basic Level (in German and partially English):

1. Einführung in die räumliche Analyse (German version) 6.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Introduction to spatial analysis (English version) 6.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Discrete spatial variables (in English) 38MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Kontinuierliche Räumliche Variablen (German version) 12MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Continuous spatial variables (English version) 12MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Geländeanalyse 7.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
5. Räumliche Abfragen (German version) 37MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Spatial queries (English version) 37MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
6. Erreichbarkeit (German version) 20MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
     Accessibility (English version) 20MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
7. Eignungsanalysen 2.6MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Intermediate Level (in English):

1. Spatial analysis of the reality 3.4MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Discrete spatial distributions 2.8MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Terrain analysis (intermediate) 4.0MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Accessibility (network analysis) (still under revision!) 8MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
5. Suitability analysis (intermediate) 1.1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
6. Introduction to time change and spatial dynamics 1.0MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
7. Thematic change analysis 2.4MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
8. Spatial change analysis 3.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Data Presentation Module

The Data Presentation module describes the history and use of maps, while introducing the different map types available. Its emphasis is on topographical cartography and the components required for map development, including graphical design with text and color by reference to readability rules. A further focus concentrates on cartographic generalization concepts, procedures, and methods. Within the intermediate lessons, thematic map design as well as mapping with a GIS and cartographic software are discussed.

Basic Level (in English):

1. Presentation and visualization needs 19MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Layout design settings / graphical semiology 26MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Cartographic data representation 12MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Generalization of map data 17MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
5. Topographic cartography 36MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Intermediate Level (in English):

1. Statistics for thematic cartography 10MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Thematische Kartografie (English will follow) 57MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Mapping with GIS and cartographic software 9.9MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. From GIS data sets to cartographic presentation 21MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Case Studies

Students, confronted with realistic and practice-relevant GIST cases, must then solve such a case independently. Original, not preprocessed, case material is provided and a tutor is helping the students to find solutions for solving the case.

Deutsche Version:

1. Allgemeine Einführung in GITTA-Fallstudien 2.4MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Habitatanalyse im Schweizerischen Nationalpark 3.6MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Vergleichende Analyse von Gewässereinzugsgebieten 0.5MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
4. Aufbau GIS für Industrielehrpfad "Zürcher Oberland" 1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
5. Aufbau GIS für Hochwasserschutz an Fliessgew. im Kt. ZH 1.1MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Version Française:

1. Les études de cas 1.3MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Analyse d'habitats dans le parc national suisse 2MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

English Version:

1. General introduction to the GITTA case studies 3.4MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
2. Habitat analysis in the Swiss National Park 4.0MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)
3. Mountain goats and bighorn sheep in Yellowstone NP 14MB IMS (.zip) SCORM (.zip)

Overview of available CartouCHe modules

Since August 2008, content of the CartouCHe project is available as well. CartouCHe (Cartography for Swiss Higher Education) is an eLearning project funded by Swiss Virtual Campus, imparting knowledge about the multimedia and internet cartography to advanced students. The modules "Multimedia Cartography" and "Location Based Services" are public:

Please note that we are looking for partners who are interested in using, updating, translating and cooperating with us. Please read the paragraph about becoming a full GITTA community member on the register page.

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