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Topographic Cartography

One of the most widely used map types is the topographic map. Indeed, the wide range of information provided by topographic maps makes them extremely useful to both professional and recreational map users.

Topographic maps are used as basic tools for planning and executing projects. They are of prime importance in planning settlements, airports, highways, dams, pipelines, transmission lines, industrial plants, and countless other types of construction. They are an essential part of ecological studies and environmental control, geologic research, studies of the quantity and quality of water, and projects for flood control, soil conservation, and reforestation. Intelligent and efficient development of our natural resources depends on the availability of adequate topographic maps. Topographic maps are also utilised by outdoor enthusiasts, including hunters and hikers, to show relief features, wooded areas, and watercourses.

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to recognise and to interpret a topographic map
  • Be able to depict relief on topographic maps and to create profiles.
  • Know the different classes of topographic maps
  • Know how maintenance of topographic maps is done
  • Be able to recognise different representation styles of topographic maps
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