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Lesson Navigation IconWhat do we need to work with a GIS?

Unit Navigation IconGIS software: functionality

Unit Navigation IconGIS software: categories

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What do we need to work with a GIS?


Visualization of 4D data (3D geometry and time)Visualization of 4D data (3D geometry and time)
In this lesson you will learn about the software modules and hardware components necessary to run a GIS. Furthermore, we will give an overview of the existing types of GIS application software (referenced as GIS applications or GIS software) and discuss the main functionality a GIS should offer.

Since most people are more familiar with software than hardware, we will start with the software first. Second, the required hardware will be presented and finally some general knowledge about the underlying system architecture and internet technologies will be provided.

Learning Objectives

  • You know the different software and hardware components that are part of a GIS and what these parts are used for.
  • You know the basic functions a GIS application offers.
  • You understand the common software architectures (monolithic, client/server, middleware).
  • You are familiar with terms like HTTP, TCP/IP, etc.
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