The pedagogical concept ECLASS
To derive adequate methods of resolution for the conception of the GITTA's learning environment, the analysis of the pedagogical
surrounding and the educational problem was focused. GITTA was developed problem-driven, not technology-driven. GITTA's target lies in creating a course fitted onto the user group. Besides content and its presentation with different
media, the main focus is laid on the methods of how to get the content across to the student.
Within the lessons, the students have to solve self-assessments, covering content learned before, followed by feedback. Also
the students get the opportunity of "learning by doing" and solving small projects or case studies on their own.
The pedagogical design phase covered thoughts concerning the conception, production, the implementation and execution of a
lesson and last but not least the quality control at the end of each lesson. Part of this conception is beneath the user group
definition, learning organization and content adaptation, finding a didactic structure.
Various effort has been set on doing research for finding an adequate didactic structure. Now GITTA uses eLML which is based on the ECLASS structure (Gerson 2000). We adapted the model according to our need as described below:
The structure of GITTA. On unit level the ECLASS model is used.
- Entry equals to the introductory statements made before each single lecture unit in a class. An example for an entry could be:
What is to be discussed? Why is this topic being introduced? Originally the first E stood for "explain" which is what the
introduction also does.
- Clarify represents the core of what is being taught in a unit and its key concepts. In this section the reading of facts is inevitable.
GIST concepts are conveyed, depending on the module. In our case, Data Presentation, a short example is shown to make the problem
visual for the students.
- Look allows the student to review examples or samples of a model that will be taught. It defines the important aspects of the
unit through illustrations, animations, videos, white board activities etc.
- Act is to encourage the student to practice what he or she has just been taught. It should be an important integrative part of
the online learning course, as it actively engages the student.
- Self-assessments should give students the opportunity to test for themselves, what they have learned. Important here is the feedback that
needs to be given on each finished test to involve the learner and show him, compared to a traditional teacher, what has been
good or bad - a constructive description is postulated, prepared in advance!
- Summary is a new point added to M. Gersons structure. It should round up a unit and point out the main facts shown in this unit.
It should contain what was learned and possibly also further expectations. In (2000) the second S stood for share, meaning group exercises. In the self-developed learning structure eLML we introduced the Summary
as second S and used only one exercise object, the self-assessment.
The case studies proceed with an independent teaching model, related to the approach of the constructive learning method. You will find more
information about the pedagogical model behind the case studies in this PDF document (only available in German).