What are the Different Classes of Topographic Maps ?
According to International Cartographic Association (1984) it is possible to classify topographic maps as being either:
- Official Cartography:maps that are edited by official institutions such as Bundesamt für Landestopographie (Switzerland), Institut Géographique
National (France, Belgium), etc.
Commercial Cartography: maps that are edited by private companies as Orell Füssli (Switzerland), etc.
- Commercial Cartography: maps that are
edited by private companies as Orell Füssli (Switzerland), etc..
Another important classification criterion is the scale. One can
differentiate within topographic maps:
- Large scale: larger than 1:25 000
- Medium scale: 1:25 000 to approximately 1:250 000
- Small scale: smaller than 1:250 000 to approximately 1:2 500 000
- Very small scale: smaller than 1:2 500 000, usually atlas-maps
Furthermore, various subclasses may be recognised within scale categories depending upon their representational characteristics.
Different Class Examples of Topographic Maps
Have a look at the following slides, showing the huge range of topographic maps provided by Swisstopo, the Federal Office
of Topography of Switzerland. Click on the next button to reach the examples.