Examples of calculation for three observed spatial distributions
Let us take again the 3 examples of spatial distribution
presented at Figure 2.4. Intuitively we can express their spatial
distributions as "grouped", "random" and "dispersed". Let us test
the membership of these distributions using the index of adjacency
according to two situations' of independent and dependent null
assumption. Being given that, in these 3 examples, we consider the
same study area and that the number of zones "presence" is identical,
we can calculate the two common parameters
EPA and
σPA for the two hypothesis,
on the basis of additional information provided by the table of Figure 2.5
(C=19, ΣV=38, ΣV(V-1)=114). Whereas C = total no. of connections
and V = total no. of neighbours
- For an independent null
hypothesis, with a probability of occurrence
"presence" p equal to 0.4 (thus q=0.6), the equations of
tables 2.1 and 2.2 enable us to write:
- For a dependent null
hypothesis, knowing that the
number of observed events "presence" in the study area is equal to
5 per 11 zones on the whole (thus P=5 and A=6), the equations of
tables 2.1 and 2.2 enable us to write:
These common values being calculated, we now can operate the
statistical tests relating to the two situations of independent and
dependent null hypothesis considered. Let us proceed in turn for each
of the three spatial distributions presented at Figure 2.4.
Tests of membership of the three types of spatial distribution of binary properties