Indices of central tendency
The prevalent property inside the neighborhood defined by the moving window is
expressed in a different way according to the level of measurement.
This measure of central tendency is described by the statistical indicators
of mode, median and average. We will retain here only those relating to the
nominal and ordinal levels of measurement:
Index of majority,
mode (MOD), nominal level: |
vfmax: the most frequent value in the neighborhood
Interpretation: It is the value (category) most present in the neighborhood.
If several modal values are present in the window,
it will then be necessary to define a rule of priority among these values.
Median index (MED), ordinal level: |
vmed:value of the central rank for the whole
of the units of observation in the area
Interpretation: It is the value of cell (UO)
positioned in the middle of the ordered sequence of the values in the