Isochrones maps represent the travel time to or from a location by displaying isochrones
to indicate regions, which are, for example, easy accessible or less easy accessible by public
transport (Hake et al. 2002).
Raster data model:
A raster data model is a data structure which divides spatial objects into regular grid
cells. It is very appropriate to model continuous physical phenomena.
Space is given by a set of objects with associated attributes and the relations
between them.
Time maps:
Time maps display the elements in a way, that the distances between the points is not proportional
to the spatial distance anymore, but proportional to travel time between them. The scale is not given by the metric space
but by the time unit.
Vector data model:
A vector data model is a data structure which is based on vectors in a coordinate system.
Points, lines and polygons are the geometric primitives. Every single object is described by a list of x-, y-coordinates.
The semantics are assigned to the geometric elements through explicit links.