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Lesson Navigation IconSpatial Queries

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Logical operators

Arbitrarily complex conditions can be formulated. Thereby concatenations of the individual conditions have to be extended. Complex queries are formulated by combining different attributes.

For such queries, logical operators are used to combine the expressions (with two possible values "true" or "false").

Logical operators Meaning Result Venn diagrams
AND Intersection True, if both are true.
OR Union True, if at least one is true.
XOR Symmetric difference; excluding OR True, if exactly one is true, but not both.
NOT Set difference (complement) True, if one is false.

To make such queries understandable, Venn diagrams are used. Have a look at the previous table and the following explanation.

The circles number 1 and 2 graphically represent two conditions: the shaded area represents the true statement, while the part outside the circle does not correspond to a result.

To explain this situation, the above example is used.

Circle 1 : Tree species = "larch"
Circle 2 : Stock > 110 m3/ha

Some examples

In the following, it is shown for each operator how SQL‐queries are formulated and how the results are presented.



Example 1:

Operator Query SQL
AND Find all parcels that are forested with larch and where the stock is greater than 110m3/ha. select ParzelleID, Baumart, Vorrat
from Parzelle
where Baumart = "Lärche"and Vorrat > 110

Example 2:

Operator Query SQL
OR Find all parcels that are forested with larch or where the stock is greater than 110m3/ha. select ParzelleID, Baumart, Vorrat
from Parzelle
where Baumart = "Lärche"
or Vorrat > 110

Example 3:

Operator Query SQL
XOR Find all parcels that are forested with larch or where the stock is greater than 110m3/ha, but which do not meet both of these conditions. select ParzelleID, Baumart, Vorrat
from Parzelle
where Baumart = "Lärche"
xor Vorrat > 110

Example 4:

Operator Query SQL
NOT Find all parcels which are forested with larch but where the stock is not greater than 110m3/ha. select ParzelleID, Baumart, Vorrat
from Parzelle
where Baumart = "Lärche"
not Vorrat > 110
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