Arithmetic operators are used for numerical attributes. For example, there is the possibility to
calculate the mean or the sum of attribute values from a series of objects. The following operators
can be used as arithmetic operators: Multiplication (*), division (/), addition (+) and subtraction (‐) as
well as the exponent operator (exp) and modulo operator (%).
Arithmetic operators + - * / exp % |
The first five operators are self‐explanatory. The modulo operation gives the remainder from integer
division. For example:
5 % 2 = 1
6 % 2 = 0
Graphic |
Table ''Parcels: tree species (Baumart), stock (Vorrat), and soil type (Bodentyp)'' |
SQL operator | Result |
SELECT Baumart, Vorrat, Bodentyp, Vorrat*2/100
as Holznutzung FROM Parzelle WHERE Vorrat > 120; |