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Lesson Navigation IconCase Study: Mountain goats and bighorn sheep in Yellowstone National Park

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  • DeCesare, N. and D. Pletscher, 2006. Movements, Connectivity, and Resource Selection of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Journal of Mammalogy, 87 (3), 531–538.
  • Gross, J., 2001. Evaluating Effects of an Expanding Mountain Goat Population on Native Bighorn Sheep: a Simulation Model of Competition and Disease. Biological Conservation, 101 (2), 171-185.
  • Gross, J., F. Singer, and M. Moses, 2000. Effects of Disease, Dispersal, and Area on Bighorn Sheep Restoration. Restoration Ecology, 8 (4S), 25-37.
  • Gross, J., M. Kneeland, D. Reed, and R. Reich, 2002. GIS-based Habitat Models for Mountain Goats. Journal of Mammalogy, 83 (1), 218-228.
  • Laundré, J., 1994. Resource Overlap Between Mountain Goats and Bighorn Sheep. Western North American Naturalist, 54 (2), 114–121.
  • Lemke, T., 2004. Origin, Expansion, and Status of Mountain Goats in Yellowstone National Park. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 32 (2), 532–541.
  • National Park Service (2012). Bighorn Sheep - Yellowstone National Park [online]. Available from: [Accessed 2013-02-18].
  • Poole, K., K. Stuart-Smith, and I. Teske, 2009. Wintering Strategies by Mountain Goats in Interior Mountains. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 87 (3), 273-283.
  • Zeigenfuss, L., F. Singer, and M. Gudorf, 2000. Test of a Modified Habitat Suitability Model for Bighorn Sheep. Restoration Ecology, 8 (45), 38-46.
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