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Lesson Navigation IconThematic Cartography

Unit Navigation IconIntroduction to thematic cartography

Unit Navigation IconDesign of thematic maps

Unit Navigation IconPreliminary decisions and questions for the creation of a thematic map

LO Navigation IconChoice of the topic

LO Navigation IconAnalysis and concept

LO Navigation IconScale, format and location

LO Navigation IconChoice of the map projection

LO Navigation IconFrame maps or island maps?

LO Navigation IconSingle-colour or multi-colour maps

LO Navigation IconLabeling

LO Navigation IconDesign and structure of a map

LO Navigation IconSummary

LO Navigation IconRecommended Reading

Unit Navigation IconTransformation of statistical data into thematic maps

Unit Navigation IconMapping techniques for thematic maps

Unit Navigation IconSelf Assessment

Unit Navigation IconRecommended Reading

Unit Navigation IconGlossary

Unit Navigation IconBibliography

Unit Navigation IconMetadata

GITTA/CartouCHe news:

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The general rules for labeling topographic maps can be applied when choosing the font, colour and size of the text. More information on this topic can be found in the GITTA module Layout Design Settings / Graphical Semiology in the chapter Typography For thematic maps, the following rules can be applied in addition to the already mentioned guidelines:

Names, that are used for orientation, such as those for landscapes or mountain ranges, waterbodies and countries, should be placed according to the actual need in textual explanation. Names are used far more sparsely. They are partly only indicated with their initial letters and sometimes even omitted completely to avoid noise. This, however, should only be done if the message of the map remains clear. Explanations describing thematic information can be omitted completely, if all necessary hues and signatures are explained in the legend. In the case where all diagrams have to be explained without having enough space to do so, only initial letters or small indices can be used, which are then explained at the map frame (Imhof 1972, p. 244f).

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