Closing assessment
The three methods differ in their underlying scale: they range from ordinal (weighting
by ranking), to interval (weighting by rating), to ratio scale (pairwise comparison). While
the first two stand without theoretical basis, the last method can be statistically secured.
Which of the three approaches used depends on a number of questions: how accurate does the
analysis need to be? How vast is the experts’ expertise and experience with weighted overlay?
How difficult is the method’s integration into a GIS? The risk in using weights in a spatial
MCE is the inexperienced, careless, or even erroneous determination of weights. Wrong weights
lead to wrong results of suitability analysis and thus to wrong decisions. This risk exists
in all three methods since ultimately, the weighting is the responsibility of experts.
Therefore, each suitability map should inform in detail how it was created and what its
underlying assumptions are.