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Lesson Navigation IconPresentation and Visualisation Needs

Unit Navigation IconDemand for Maps

Unit Navigation IconSpecially Ordered Maps

Unit Navigation IconLegally Ordered Maps

Unit Navigation IconVisualisation of Spatial Data

Unit Navigation IconMap Types

LO Navigation IconMaps for Scientists and Professionals

LO Navigation IconMaps for Administration, Politicians and Civil Defence

LO Navigation IconMaps for Public Information and Education

LO Navigation IconSummary

Unit Navigation IconMap Critiques

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GITTA/CartouCHe news:

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Map Types

Who are the Users ?

Users are those persons who turn to a map for a particular reason. Each user, or user group, brings a particular set of experiences, and use maps in a different way. Many users are experienced in the use of the maps and know the possibilities and limitations of maps. Others are less informed about the nature of maps and do not have the knowledge to efficiently take advantage of the information inherent in the maps.

Therefore, it is very important for the map-designer to have a good knowledge of his potential map users. So, the primal objective of this lesson is to give an overview of the various map types and users' communities, and to describe the way they use them, so that the designer (you!!) can realise an ideal user-friendly map.

To simplify the wide range of map types, a classification in three main groups is made here:

  • Maps for scientists and professionals
  • Maps for administration, politicians, civil, and civil defence
  • Maps for public information and education
Map Types ExampleMap Types Example

Note: It is not the objective of this course to draw up an exhaustive list of all the map users, but to describe the main user groups which, have a common "cartographic behaviour ".

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