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Lesson Navigation IconRelational database model

Unit Navigation IconConcepts

Unit Navigation IconTransforming ER-schema

Unit Navigation IconData integrity

Unit Navigation IconNormalization

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LO Navigation IconFirst normal form (1NF)

LO Navigation IconSecond normal form (2NF)

LO Navigation IconThird normal form (3NF)

LO Navigation IconExercise normalization

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First normal form (1NF)

First normal form:
A relation is in first normal form if every attribute in every row can contain only one single (atomic) value.

A university uses the following relation:

Student(Surname, Name, Skills)

The attribute Skills can contain multiple values and therefore the relation is not in the first normal form.

But the attributes Name and Surname are atomic attributes that can contain only one value.

Example First normal formExample First normal form

To get to the first normal form (1NF) we must create a separate tuple for each value of the multivalued attribute

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