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Lesson Navigation IconIntroduction DBS

Unit Navigation IconDefinition of Terms

Unit Navigation IconCharacteristics

Unit Navigation IconExample Applications

LO Navigation IconBank Accounts

LO Navigation IconTimetables

LO Navigation IconLibrary Catalogue

LO Navigation IconGeodata-Warehouse

LO Navigation IconExercise

Unit Navigation IconAdvantages and Disadvantages

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Example Applications

Current information technology solutions distinguish themselves by having many distributed users which want to concurrently use constantly updated data. Therefore, database systems are used in different fields and there is rarely an information technology solution that gets by without one.
Following a couple of examples for the use of database systems are discussed.

For each example the application is breifly described first and then the for this application specific database features are commented on. The respective features with their descriptions can be found in the unit Characteristics of the Database Approach which is linked from the keywords.

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