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Lesson Navigation IconIntro Spatial Dynamics

Unit Navigation IconTime content in geographic information

LO Navigation Icon3 levels of analysis

LO Navigation Icon2 views of change analysis

LO Navigation Icon3 scales of measurement

LO Navigation IconSingle or multiple features analysis

LO Navigation IconUni or multi-variate analysis

Unit Navigation IconMethods for time change analysis

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3 levels of analysis

They correspond to the three steps of the scientific approach:

  • termExploration:the aim of this early level of time change analysis is to describe changes of considered phenomena, of their properties and their spatial distribution. It is an important step of synthetic description.
  • termModelling: a process model describes the interaction between objects that are organised within the geographic information model. A process model allows to derive current status of phenomena and is then often used to predict their future changes.
  • termForecasting: in this advanced level of time change analysis, process models predict future changes that can occur taking in account many factors and constrains in constructing these models to reach this result.
A process model and its related Geographic information model (ArcInfo Documentation)A process model and its related Geographic information model (ArcInfo Documentation)
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