Organization of the Lesson
Thus, this Lesson is organized into two Units:
- In the first Unit, one will be interested in methods
allowing to describe the spatial structure present in the
distribution of properties of a phenomenon. The description
of this organization will be carried out by measuring the
spatial dependency. This process is similar to that used for
continuous spatial distributions (see Lesson Continous spatial
variables of the module B-AN), but the developed indices
of spatial dependency are adapted to the discontinuous aspect of
the distributions considered.
- In the second Unit, we will approach methods of description
of the spatial organization through concept of spatial arrangement.
One will consider successively this arrangement at the global scale
of the study area, then on a local scale of the neighborhood of the
spatial entities. These descriptors supplement those presented in
Units 2, 3 and 4 of Lesson 2 in the basic module in
spatial analysis
(B-AN). This concept of arrangement being particularly dense, it
is necessary to control the significance of a great number of
descriptors to try to account for the complexity of spatial arrangement,
through its structure and of its texture.
Far from being exhaustive, this whole of methods constitutes
a set of powerful tools to try to answer certain aspects of the fundamental
interrogation on the spatial organization of the properties of discontinuous