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Weighted neighborhoods of Areal Features

Step by step illustration of weighted minimum distance surface based on the polygon feature

Create weighted minimum distance surface

Create minimum weighted distance surface, based on the following polygon feature. The list of vertices for each polygon is provided. Minimum x and y is zero. Maximum x and y is 10. Select the resolution as 1 meter or 0.5 meter, according to your preference.

Polygon List of vertices Weight
A (id = 1) (1,1); (3,1); (3,3); (1,3); (1,1) 3
B (id = 2) (7,1); (9,1); (9,3); (7,3); (7,1) 2
C (id = 3) (7,7); (9,7); (9,9); (7,9); (7,7) 3
D (id = 4) (1,7); (3,7); (3,9); (1,9); (1,7) 1
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