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Lesson Navigation IconDBS: Concepts and Architectures

Unit Navigation IconDB-Models, Schemes and Instances

Unit Navigation IconDBMS-Architecture

Unit Navigation IconLanguages and Interfaces

LO Navigation IconDatabase Languages

LO Navigation IconDatabase Interfaces

LO Navigation IconUser Interfaces

Unit Navigation IconTasks

Unit Navigation IconExercise Data Independence

Unit Navigation IconSummary

Unit Navigation IconRecommended Reading

Unit Navigation IconGlossary

Unit Navigation IconBibliography

Unit Navigation IconMetadata

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Database Languages and Database Interfaces

So far, we have got to know about data models, data descriptions and the components of a database system.
In this unit, it is explained how 'a data models gets into a database system' and 'how the information gets to the users'. More correctly formulated the following questions will be answered:

  • How does an application interact with a database management system?
  • How does a user look at a database system?
  • How can a user query a database system and view the results in his/her application?
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